Master Composer Library

The Master Composer Library, selected and edited by Keith Snell, is comprised of unique editions of the most popular piano teaching repertoire. Clavier Magazine calls it “an outstanding teaching series.”

The Sight Reading series is a valuable new addition to the Neil A. Kjos Piano Repertoire Library. As they say, “You learn to sight read by doing it!”

This series includes piano music of various textures and styles to be used to improve student sight reading, as well as overall reading skills beginning at the elementary level. 

The series is useful as a supplement to any course of study and includes original music by Diane Hidy (Prep. to Level 2) and Snell editions of works (Levels 2 to 4) by composers of the 17th through early 20th centuries. The works are brief enough for students to quickly read during their practice. They are also useful as “short study” pieces that can be practiced, but only for a few days, or at most a couple of weeks. The music is not intended for performance, but rather to improve students’ ability to learn new music quickly and efficiently.

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